We care for the natural heritage of Thrace

©Nasos Nalbantis  

©Grigoris Azoridis  

©Grigoris Azoridis  

Our values

Transparency and Accountability

Our procedures and financial information are accessible to any interested person.

Participation and collaboration

We believe in democratic decision-making processes and do not believe in centralised institutional models.


We believe that responsibility combined with a systematic and continuous development of skills are ingredients for success.

Social and Gender Equality

We have zero tolerance for discrimination based on gender, religion, nationality, political beliefs, sexual orientation, educational or socio-economic background.

Promotion of knowledge

We place great emphasis on the production and dissemination of knowledge and the encouragement and enhancement of innovative initiatives.

Our actions

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Anti-poison Dog Unit

We fight the greatest and hidden threat to wildlife in Thrace.

Education and Awareness

We empower the next generation to become defenders of the nature of Thrace.

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Monitoring of wind farm impacts

We monitor and document the impacts that installations for renewable energy have on biodiversity.

Bird monitoring

We discover the secrets of the life and death of endangered birds of prey.

© Petros Babakas (1)

A video from SPBT
for the wind farms in Thrace

Thrace is a typical example of an area with high biodiversity, however in this area wind turbines have not been sited proper since the beginning of 2000 and the impacts recorded to date are very serious.

Through this video, scientists, specialised in the environmental licensing of such projects (public authorities, private researchers and NGOs), describe the problems caused by the non-proper planning of these projects in biodiversity, the importance of cumulative impacts and how hard is to mitigate them in sensitive areas and they finally promote proper siting and compliance with environmental licensing procedures and legislation as the only means for the coexistence of wind turbines and birds in a wider area.

Our news

CategoriesThreats Evros Thrace Κτηνοτροφία

Free-range stock breeding as a tool for forest fire prevention.

Η εκτατική κτηνοτροφία εργαλείο πρόληψης δασικών πυρκαγιών Το προηγούμενο διάστημα, οι άνθρωποι της Εταιρείας Προστασίας Βιοποικιλότητας της Θράκης είχαν την…

CategoriesESC Volunteers Evros Thrace

The present is a gift!

Το παρόν είναι δώρο! Armindo Veiga από Πορτογαλία (εθελοντής από Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης) Αφού τελείωσα το πανεπιστήμιο, δεν ήξερα τι…

CategoriesEvros Events Thrace birds

The old mulberry tree hugs the birds!

Η γριά μουριά αγκαλιάζει τα πουλιά! Το δέντρο σαν θέμα είναι πάντα επίκαιρο, πόσο μάλλον τώρα που η περιοχή μας…

CategoriesESC Volunteers Evros Thrace TOP NEWS

We are looking for new volunteers!!

We are looking for new volunteers!! Our team is looking for and is ready to welcome 2 new volunteers, be…

CategoriesBirds of prey The Egyptian vulture Vultures Press release Poisoned baits Evros Mammals Thrace Cinereous vulture TOP NEWS Griffon vulture Environmental legislation Seminars

Training of authorities of Evros in the Management of Incidents of Illegal Use of Poisoned Baits

Εκπαίδευση Υπηρεσιών & Φορέων του Ν. Έβρου στη Διαχείριση Περιστατικών Παράνομης Χρήσης Δηλητηριασμένων Δολωμάτων Κοινό Δελτίο Τύπου Ελληνικής ΟΡΝΙΘΟΛΟΓΙΚΗΣ Εταιρείας…

CategoriesBirds of prey The Egyptian vulture Vultures Poisoned baits Evros Mammals Thrace Cinereous vulture TOP NEWS Xanthi Griffon vulture

After 10 years of dedicated service in the protection of rare species of wildlife in Thrace, our Kikos has retired!

Μετά από 10 χρόνια αφοσιωμένης υπηρεσίας στην προστασία των σπάνιων ειδών άγριας ζωής στη Θράκη, ο Κίκο μας έγινε συνταξιούχος!…