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Education and awareness

In Thrace, wildlife conservation is inextricably linked to traditional human activities in the countryside. The particular landscape with its mosaic of forests, grasslands and agricultural land is a unique refuge for the rarest birds of prey in Greece. That's why the information and participation of the public is of great importance to the SPBT, with its objective of strengthening the rural economy and preserving traditional activities to benefit not only people, but also wildlife. In contrast to this mutually beneficial relationship, has been the abandonment of the countryside with multiple negative impacts, such as changes in wildlife populations, worsening damage to agricultural production and the rise of illegal practices such as poison baits. Severe forest fires and the collapse of agricultural activity are also important impacts.

SPBT contributes to the empowerment of residents through information and education actions for citizens and services, seminars, workshops, and actions to promote solutions against the damages on agricultural production by wildlife or to improve living conditions in the countryside. It collaborates with schools for awareness projects and with local institutions by participating in environmental and cultural events that highlight the values of Thrace.