
Inventory and monitoring of Evros habitats.

This July, we’ve had the chance to roam the mountains of Evros and collaborate with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for the supervision and evaluation of the conservation status of protected habitats in Greece, which during the years 2023-24 is being implemented in our country. In a network of fixed sites, vegetation characteristics and abiotic parameters were recorded in order to assess the status of habitat types over the years and to evaluate their conservation status.

During the habitat inventory, we had the opportunity to wander in the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, to visit the northernmost tip of Greece in Pentalofos, but also to travel around the mountains of Dereio valley. We found ourselves among pine and oak forests, grasslands and beech forests, where the giant trees create a dense and shady forest, causing a feeling that can only be described as awe. The route in the areas that were not affected by last year's fire is lush and green, offering numerous places where one can make a stop and enjoy the unique landscapes offered by the natural beauty of Evros.

A large percentage of the natural wealth of Evros may have been affected by the fire and is in the process of recovering from its wounds, but the region continues to offer unique landscapes and areas worth visiting them.  



The program "Supervision and Evaluation of the Conservation Status of terrestrial and wetland habitat types of community interest in Greece" is implemented in the framework of the Nature Directives (Directive 92/43/EEC and Directive 2009/147/EC) and the Member States every six years, are required to submit reports to the European Commission (EC) on the conservation of the habitat types listed in Annex I and the flora and fauna species listed in Annexes II, IV and V (report under Article 17 of Directive 92/43) and on the populations and trends of "... species of birds naturally occurring in the wild in the European territory of the Member States ...' (report under Article 12 of Directive 2009/147/EC). The general purpose of the monitoring of habitat types and species in Greece is to assess their status (conservation status, population, trends, etc.), both at the level of Natura 2000 sites and at national level.

Can we introduce you to some habitats in Evros that are important for the whole of Europe?

Alluvial forests habitat with Alnus glutinosa in a stream at Sapka region
Beech habitat in the area of Chilia
Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland habitat, Treis Vrises region
Sub-Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines habitat in Dadia forest