
The students of Evros say NO to poisoned baits

"No to poisoned baits" is the title of an interactive game that we played with the students of the elementary schools of Evros as part of an educational activity, which interacted with 534 students in 19 schools, ranging from Antheia to Didymoteicho and Mega Dereio. An online or in-person presentation was given to the students on the beauty and value of the rare vultures that live in our region, especially concerning the endangered Egyptian vulture that numbers only 5 pairs in Thrace as well as in the whole of Greece. We then talked with the students about the causes that result in the illegal use of poisoned baits, the types of both pets, working dogs and wild animals that are poisoned, the problems faced by owners who have pets or working dogs that have died from poisoning and the disruption to nature caused by the loss of wild animals. We also talked about nature-friendly measures that the animal herders, whose livestock are exposed to attacks by wild animals, could take to reduce their losses by not resorting to the illegal use of poisoned baits. The students wrote about our conversations on an interactive wall game using the 'ten commandments of poisoned baits', along with the help of their teachers.

You can see our activities in detail in the relevant report.


We thank the principals and teachers of Anthia, Avantas, Feres, (3 schools), Tichero, Soufli (2 schools), Sidiro, Agriani, Roussa, Mega Dereio, Sidirochori, Lavara, Metaxades, Asproneri, Didimoteicho (3 schools) for their valuable contribution to the implementation of the information activity. This activity took place within the framework of the programme “Fighting poisoning – reducing vulture (and other scavenger and predator) mortality due to the use of poison baits and lead ammunition across the Mediterranean (Mediterranean Anti-Poisoning Project – MAPP)”, funded by the Vulture Conservation Foundation, the MAVA Foundation and co-financed by WWF Greece. The wall game was created by WWF Greece within the framework of the LIFE programme “Urgent Actions to Strengthen the Balkan Population of the Egyptian Vulture and Secure Its Flyway (LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874).

Primery School of Tichero @SPBT
2ο Primary School of Feres @SPBT
Primary School of Tichero @SPBT