Database of the recorded collision incidents of birds and bats species at the wind farms of Evros and Rhodope.
Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. 2023. Database of the recorded collision incidents of birds and bats species at the wind farms of Evros and Rhodope (.xlsx file). Last update: November 10th 2023.

Diurnal raptor monitoring in the Special Protected Area "Oreinos Evros - Koilada Dereiou" [GR1110010] Technical report for 2024
Kapsalis Eleftherios, 2025. Diurnal raptor monitoring in the Special Protected Area "Oreinos Evros - Koilada Dereiou" [GR1110010]. Technical report for 2024. Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Dadia, Soufli.

Flight behaviour and energy expenditure of Cinereous vultures in a landscape of increasing wind power development in Thrace
Bounas Anastasios, Kret Elzbieta, Zakkak Sylvia, Kapsalis Eleftherios, Skartsi Theodora. 2025. Flight behaviour and energy expenditure of Cinereous vultures in a landscape of increasing wind power development in Thrace. Technical Report. Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Dadia-Soufli.

Cumulative collision risk and population-level consequences of industrial wind-power plant development for two vulture species: A quantitative warning
Bounas, A., Vasilakis, D., Kret, E., Zakkak, S., Chatzinikolaou, Y., Kapsalis, E., Arkumarev, V., Dobrev, D., Stamenov, A., Stoychev, S., Skartsi, T., Sidiropoulos, L., Halley, J.M. 2024. Cumulative collision risk and population-level consequences of industrial wind-power plant development for two vulture species: A quantitative warning. Envirinmental Impact Assessment Review. 110 (2025), 107669. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2024.107669

Adventure in the forest!
Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace 2024 - Adventure in the forest

Investigation of the possibilities of energy utilization of
forest residues of the
Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park
Lychnaras, V., Papadelis, A., Kosmatopoulos, L. and P. Grammelis, 2024. Investigation of
the possibilities of energy utilization of forest residues of the
Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park. Clean Energy, WWF Greece, Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Ptolemaida, February 2024 (In Greek).

Surveying the effects of the 2023 fire on fauna species in Dadia – Lefkimi – Soufli Forest National Park, Technical report September – October 2023
Zafeiropoulos, V., Kret, E., Kalogeros, G., Sfakianopoulos, G., & Skartsi T. (2023) Surveying the effects of the 2023 fire on fauna species in Dadia – Lefkimi – Soufli Forest National Park, Technical report September – October 2023, p. 22. Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace & Save Your Hood, Dadia, Greece. (In Greek).

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace
Analysis of the legal framework for cumulative impact assessment of wind farms in Greece
Kopela S., Dimitriadi, E., Analysis of the legal framework for cumulative impact assessment of wind farms in Greece (2022). Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, p. 71 + Annex (In Greek, with English summary).

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace
Examination of environmental terms and evaluation of appropriate assessments and monitoring programmes for wind farm development in Thrace
Kakalis, E., Avagianou, T., & Kapsalis, E. (2022). Examination of environmental terms and evaluation of appropriate assessments and monitoring programmes for wind farm development in Thrace. Sociesty for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, p. 87 + Annex (In Greek, with English summary).

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace
Mapping and visual interpretation of land use/cover changes as an impact of wind farms installation in Thrace
Damianidis, C., Kapsalis, E., Korakis, G. & Xystrakis, F. 2022. Mapping and visual interpretation of land use/cover changes as an impact of wind farms installation in Thrace. Tecnhical report in the framework of the cumulative impact study of the wind farms in Thrace. Dadia - Soufli. p. 31 + Annex (In Greek, with English summary).

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace:
Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths
Moustakas, A., Georgiakakis, P., Kret, E., Kapsalis, E., 2023. Wind turbine power and land cover effects on cumulative bat deaths. Sci. Total Environ. 892, 164536.

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace:
The effects of industrial wind farm development in three priority raptor species in Thrace: cumulative collision mortality and displacement of Cinereous and Griffon Vultures and Golden Eagles
Sidiropoulos, L., Chatzinikolaou, G., Kret, E., Kapsalis, E., Zakkak, S., Arkumarev, V., Dobrev, D., Stamenov, A., Stoychev, S. & Vasilakis, D. 2022. The effects of industrial wind farm development in three priority raptor species in Thrace: cumulative collision mortality and displacement of Cinereous and Griffon Vultures and Golden Eagles. The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Dadia-Soufli, 92 pp.

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace:
Population Viability Analysis for the Cinereous vulture in Greece
Bounas A., Skartsi Th., Zakkak S., Halley J.M. 2022. Population Viability Analysis for the Cinereous vulture in Greece. Technical report, University of Ioannina and the Society of the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, Greece, 27pp.

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace:
Population Viability Analysis for the Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) in the Eastern Rhodopes
Bounas A., Kret E., Skartsi T., Arkumarev V., Dobrev D., Stamenov A., Stoychev S., Halley J.M. 2023. Population Viability Analysis for the Griffon vulture in Eastern Rhodopes. Technical report, University of Ioannina and the Society of the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, Greece, 22 pp.

Cumulative impact study of wind farms in Thrace:
Population Viability Analysis for the Golden Eagle in Greece
Bounas A., Sidiropoulos L., Kret E., Halley J.M. 2023. Population Viability Analysis for the Golden Eagle in Greece. Technical report, University of Ioannina and the Society of the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, Greece, 23 pp.

Eleftheriadou A., Kapsalis E., Skartsi T. 2022. Information action for the Egyptian Vulture and poisoned baits at the primary schools of Evros. Technical report. WWF Greece and Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Dadia - Soufli. (p. 18) (In Greek, with English summary).
Eleftheriadou A., Kapsalis E., Skartsi T. 2022. Information action for the Egyptian Vulture and poisoned baits at the primary schools of Evros. Technical report. WWF Greece and Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace. Dadia - Soufli. (p. 18) (In Greek, with English summary).