Interaction between wolves and hunting dogs in Evros
The interaction between wolves and hunting dogs was studied in central Evros in 2019-2020 in a large area that included the National Park of Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest, the Derio valley , the areas of Kirki, Avantas, Traianoupolis and the area of Lavara and Asvestades. The main aspects of the study were the estimation and distribution of the wolf population in the study area, the trophic analysis of the wolf diet and the investigation of wolf attacks on hunting dogs through live interviews with hunters.
The most significant results of the study showed that 59-67 wolves were moving in this area forming 9 distinct wolf groups of which 7 were breeding packs. The main food of wolves in the area was mainly deer (48%) followed by wild boar (25%) and livestock (22%), while dogs constituted a small proportion of their diet (1.9%).
During the period 2005-2020, 110 incidents of wolf interactions with hunting dogs were recorded based on information reported by 56 hunters who participated in the research through interviews, of which 80% were fatal. The frequency of losses averaged 1 dog per hunter per decade. The study presents many more results through synthetic analyses and it is worth taking the time to read it for anyone interested, as it will inform the influence of many factors related to attack levels such as breed and size of hunting dogs, landscape, livestock and hunter reaction to wolf approaches, as well as the relationship of wolf attacks to the incidents of illegal use of poisoned baits.

The study was completed in 2021 and sent to all relevant regional and national stakeholders. The results of this research have been published in a scientific journal and the full study is available here and the extended summary hereThe study was implemented by the environmental organizations WWF Greece and CALLISTO in collaboration with Management Unit of Evros Delta and Dadia Forest of NECCA and with the assistance of the regional hunting clubs and was funded by the Vulture Conservation Foundation.
This past year, our Society took the initiative to present this research to the members of the hunting clubs of Evros and Rodopi and, based on these presentations, to discuss with them issues such as the biology and behavior of the wolf, the hybridization of the species with dogs, prevention measures and the experience of managing attacks on hunting dogs from other countries. The presentations took place in July and November 2024 in Orestiada, Soufli, Alexandroupolis, Sapes and Komotini in cooperation with the hunting clubs 2nd Orestiada, Soufli, Alexandroupolis, Komotini and Sapes and with the Geotechnical Chamber of GreeceDepartment of Thrace. The presentation was curated by Dr. George Iliopoulos from CALLISTO, a biologist with long-standing expertise in the study of the species and a key contributor to the research.
The key message from this initiative was that decisions regarding the management of wolf conflict with hunting or other human activities should be based on sound scientific evidence and the best available information, hence the presentation focused on how a scientific study is structured and implemented in a very specific area.

We are very grateful to Employment Centre οf Orestiada, the Municipality of Soufli, the Regional Unit of Evros and the Municipality of Sapes for the free use of a room for the informative presentations. The presentations took place in the framework of the "Alliance for Wildlife" an initiative implemented with the support of WWF Greece in cooperation with 11 Greek environmental NGOs with a common vision for the well-being of wildlife and humans.