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Wind farms vs biodiversity

Wind energy and green energy in general can help reduce greenhouse gases and limit climate change, but it is not a panacea on its own, it needs to be combined with the implementation of green policies in the agricultural, industrial and professional sectors, as well as in the daily life of the citizens of the planet. The damage of wind turbines to biodiversity is disproportionate and to avoid it, it is necessary to properly install wind farms, respecting existing ecosystems.

When wind farms are placed in the flight paths of birds there is a significant mortality rate, as birds are in many cases unaware of the risk of collision. They also have a serious impact on bats that die from barotrauma[i] or collision with the wings. In Thrace, the impact of wind farms on birds of prey and bats has been proven by many studies carried out by WWF Greece, the Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace (SPBT) and independent researchers. In addition to mortality, a significant impact is the displacement of birds from the foraging areas, as both the wind turbine's hanging infrastructure and their sound bird deter systems, forcing them to change course, making it difficult for them to reach food sources and forcing them to consume a lot of energy.

The interest in the development of additional wind farms from the many already installed in the mountains of Evros and Rodopi is undiminished and this should worry us, especially after the destruction of forest ecosystems by forest fires. The forests of Thrace need protection, those damaged by the fire to recover, and the green ones to accommodate the rare biodiversity of Thrace that will later colonise the burnt forests.

Through its multiple actions, EPBΘ contributes to the reduction of the impacts of wind farms on the rare birds of prey and bats of Thrace, in priority with the production of primary scientific knowledge that can influence political decisions, opinions and licensing, as well as public opinion. At the same time, applies policy in synergy with other institutions and organisations for the proper siting of wind farms, taking into account the recent environmental conditions.

You can see the cumulative impact studies of the wind farms of Thrace here


[1] As stated in the Action Plan for 10 species of Chiroptera in Greece,BarotraumaBarotrauma is an injury caused by the rapid decrease in air pressure near the moving blades of wind turbines. In Chiroptera, it involves damage to lung tissues caused by rapid or excessive change in air pressures.