Restoration of the Cinereous Vulture population and its food chain in the Bulgarian-Greek border area (LIFE23-NAT–BG–LIFE Rhodope Vulture)
The project goal is to ensure the recovery of the Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the vast cross-border Rhodope mountains in Bulgaria and Greece. The objectives of the projects are: 1) decrease the main threats to Cinereous vulture in the project area (poisoning, poaching, lead-poisoning and collision with energy infrastructure), 2) improvement of the vulture populations in the region, 3) decrease the human-wildlife conflict to minimize the threat of poisoning to Cinereous vulture in the project area, 4) establish a new colony of Cinereous vulture in the Rhodopes and safeguard the only currently existing breeding colony in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli Forest National Park, 5) increase benefits to local communities by contributing to the development of a nature-based economy, 6) communicate and raise awareness about the role of vultures in nature. Duration 1/06/2024–31/05/ 2029. Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. Associated beneficiaries: Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation, Vulture Conservation Foundation, GREFA, Ministry of Environment, NECCA, HOMOTECH, Democritus University of Thrace, Callisto, Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, the Hunting Association of Stavroupoli and 2nd Hunting Association of Orestiada. The project is funded by the LIFE Program of the European Union and the Rewilding Europe.

Protection actions for the birds of Thrace
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace implements actions to protect the rare birds of prey of Thrace with the use of dog units as well as actions to support passerines in burned areas of the Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Forest Park. The actions are sponsored by Thenamaris (Ships Management) Inc. Duration 2023-2024.

Monitoring and protection of the Griffon Vulture population
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace collaborates with the Hellenic Ornithological Society in implementing actions such as the monitoring of the vultures’ populations, the mapping of the electricity transmission network in Natura 2000 areas of the Evros, Rhodope and Xanthi prefectures, the monitoring of dead birds under electricity lines, the operation of the Kompsatos Valley vulture’s feeding sites and the environmental activities in local schools. The collaboration is carried out within the framework of the LIFE-IP 4 NATURA program entitled "Integrated actions for the conservation and management of Natura 2000 network areas, species, habitats and ecosystems in Greece" (LIFE16 IPE/GR/000002). Duration one year 2023-2025.

Securing the future of vultures and large raptorial species in Thrace
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace collaborates with WWF Greece to carry out actions such as the monitoring of the Egyptian vulture population, solutions to manage wildlife-human conflicts, the cumulative effects of the wind farms on birds and bats in Thrace and monitoring the populations of birds of prey in Special Protection Zones adjacent to the burned area of 2023. The collaboration is implemented within the framework of the "Wildlife Alliance", an initiative implemented with the support of WWF Greece in collaboration with 11 Greek environmental Non-Governmental Organizations and a common vision of the well-being of wildlife and humans. Duration 2023-2026.

Restoration of burned areas from the 2023 fire
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace is collaborating with WWF Greece for a project that aims to restore the burned areas from 2023 in the prefecture of Evros that includes field work such as monitoring of natural regeneration, grazing and vegetation. Also, targeted reforestation in multiple burned sites as it is recommended in the study drawn up by WWF Greece entitled "Study of reforestation and management guidelines for the restoration of the forest ecosystems of the Evros region after the fire of 2023". The collaboration is a part of a wider restoration program in various countries around the world and is funded by WWF International. Duration 2023-2025.

European Solidarity Corps
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace has been selected to be a hosting organisation for volunteers from other countries within the framework of theEuropean Solidarity Corps(programme duration is 2021-2027). Volunteers are housed in the village of Dadia and do voluntary work with the SPBT, both in the field and in office work, gaining experience and knowledge on environmental issues and getting to know this region of Greece, which has a rich ecological value.

Mediterranean Anti-Poisoning Project
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace participated as a partner
in the framework of a Mediterranean programme entitled “Fighting poisoning –
reducing vulture (and other scavenger and predator) mortality due to the use of poison baits and lead ammunition across the Mediterranean (Mediterranean Anti-Poisoning Project which was financed by the Vulture Conservation Foundation and the MAVA Foundation and co-financed by WWF Greece (programme duration was 2020-2022).
Our activities were focused on reducing the illegal use of poisoned baits in Thrace and informing and raising awareness among its citizens about this threat, which unfortunately costs the lives of many animals, wild and domestic.

Safe Flyways
The Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace participated as a partner in the Mediterranean programme entitled “Safe Flyways – Reducing Energy Infrastructure related Bird Mortality in the Mediterranean" which was financed by BirdLife and the MAVA Foundation (programme duration was 2020-2022). Our activity was focused on studying what the cumulative effects of wind farms in Thrace was having on birds of prey, bats and habitats.